
about green sport facilities

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Avedøre Stadion

Avedøre Stadion

Byvej 72 ,2650 Copenh…

Hvissinge Hallen

Hvissinge Hallen

Egeskoven 25 ,2600 Copenh…

Forum Horsens

Forum Horsens

Langmarksvej 53 ,8700 Centra…



Florasvej 2 ,2600 Copenh…

Gladsaxe Sportscenter

Gladsaxe Sportscenter

Gladsaxevej 200 ,2860 North…

Smørum Idrætscenter

Smørum Idrætscenter

Flodvej 62 ,2765 North…

Bedsted Hallen

Bedsted Hallen

Ved Stadion 7 ,7700 Aalbor…

Sydbank Arena

Sydbank Arena

Armbolten 2-6 ,6000 South…

Kolding Hallerne, TRE-FOR Arena and from 2015 Sydbank Arena,[1] is a complex of buildings, mainly intended for sports activities a…

Boddum-Ydby Skytte og Fritidscenter

Boddum-Ydby Skytte og Fritidscenter

Ydbyvej 193c ,7760 Aalbor…

Slagelse Svømmehal

Slagelse Svømmehal

Antvorskov Alle 133 ,4200 West-…

GREEN SPORT FACILITY is an eco-label for sports facilities, such as sports halls, swimming facilities, sports grounds, ice-skating rinks and arenas. The scheme is a sister scheme to Green Key, which is found in hotels and follows the same thinking, principles and control measures.